What You Should Look for When Opting to Get Assistance from a Credit Counselor

If you’re facing financial difficulties and overwhelming debt due to the coronavirus pandemic, one of the options you may have to choose is finding a reliable credit counselor to help you. A credit counselor can help come up with a debt management plan for you to pay off your debts based on your circumstances.

Being a bankruptcy attorney in Fairfax, VA, we’ve had clients who went to a non-profit credit counselor first to pay off their debt. And if getting a debt management plan was not enough to get rid of their debts, they would ultimately resort to bankruptcy.

But some of them have managed to pay off all their debt or get back on their feet without resorting to bankruptcy with the help of a reliable credit counselor. With this, we give you a few tips on how you can find the right credit counselor for you:

1. Know What You Want

Before contacting any nonprofit credit counseling agency, you must note down your financial problems, goals, and identify your priorities. That way, it will also be easier for your credit counselor to help you with budgeting, managing your student loans, and other aspects of your finances.

You can find trusted credit counselors through the following:

The National Foundation for Credit Counseling - This is the nation’s largest nonprofit financial counseling organization. They can provide you with a localized search tool that can help you search for an affiliated agency close by that has a specialist that can help you with your situation.

The US Department of Justice - They have their own search tool that can help you find a trusted credit counseling agency. Though, the list may be limited to agencies that provide bankruptcy counseling but may provide other services as well.

As much as possible, find credit counseling agencies under these websites. Be wary of those that are not as they may be a scam or use you to get your information and land you into more trouble, like identity theft.

2. Check the Agency’s Qualifications

Credit counselors that are affiliated with the National Foundation for Credit Counseling and Financial Counseling Association of America meet strict standards of certification to ensure the quality of services.

Should the organization be associated with the NFCC or FCAA, check if they are accredited through the Council on Accreditation. This is a not-for-profit organization that gives its approval to social service organizations that present a commitment to aiding consumers.

3. Take Your Time in Decision

Don’t decide in a hurry. We encourage you to really think it through and take note of all the advantages your options are giving you. Otherwise, you might end up with someone who might not even have your best interest at heart.

If you’re new to the whole finding a credit counselor thing, bankruptcy attorney fairfax va you may be tempted to partner with the first person you find. However, don’t rush the decision. Run through the steps, lay down your options and their benefits, and don’t hesitate to ask them questions.

Have Your Financial Circumstances Led You to File for Bankruptcy?

If so, we can help you through the complex process of bankruptcy. Baneylaw, P.C. is a bankruptcy attorney in Fairfax, VA that has guided numerous individuals in their bankruptcy cases, working with them through every step of the process. He’s also helped with other cases, including identity theft, debt collection abuse, and more.

Contact us today and work with Baneylaw, P.C.

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